Japanese Nara Soushuu House Persimmon Gift Box (2kg)
早秋 (Soushu) is a completely sweet persimmon that was registered as a variety in 2003. It has a rounded and flat square shape and weighs about 250 to 300 g, which large in size compared to normal variants. When ripe, it turns into a bright orange color, and the flesh is slightly soft and dense with a lot of juice, with high sugar content of 14 to 15 degrees.
Shoshuu ripens from mid-September to early October. Because it is an early maturing variety, it will be available from the beginning of the persimmon season.
*Persimmons will come in between 8-10pcs depending on sizes.
Country of Origin: Nara prefecture, Japan
Nutrition facts: Great Source of Vitamin-C, Vitamin B-6, Antioxidants and Mineral such as potassium, manganese, copper and phosphorus.
Health Benefits:
– Reduces risk of cancer
– Aids in lowering blood pressure
– Provides relief from constipation
– Boosts immune system
– Aids in digestion
– Improves blood circulation
– Prevents signs of premature aging
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