Japanese Ehime Mican Mikan (Mandarin Orange) Gift Box (1.2kg)
Ehime is well-known for its top quality mikan produced during its season. Its pulps are soft and full of sweet juice, with the aromatic fragrance and easy-to-peel skin, making it one of the most enjoyable fruits consumed by young and old.
Country of Origin: Ehime Prefecture, Japan
Nutrition facts: Great Source of A & C, Flavonoids, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Calcium and Fiber.
Health Benefits:
– Rich in antioxidants
– High in fiber that prevents constipation and toxin accumulation
– Prevents macular (eye muscle) degeneration in aging
– Protects against osteoporosis
– Reduces high cholesterol levels
– Lowers risk of cancers and chronic diseases
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