Ehime No. 38 Jelly Orange (Large)
Ehime 38, is a recently highly-popular orange known for its extremely soft juicy flesh that overflows with well-balanced sweetness & acidity, and rich aroma, which highly resembles their japan counterpart, Benimadonna.
These oranges have thin skin that are very easy to peel and instantly “melts” in your mouth once you eat it. They also contains high level of Vitamin C and E for extra health benefits.
Country of Origin: China
Nutrition facts: Great Source of A & C, Flavonoids, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Calcium and Fiber.
Health Benefits:
– Rich in antioxidants
– High in fiber that prevents constipation and toxin accumulation
– Prevents macular (eye muscle) degeneration in aging
– Protects against osteoporosis
– Reduces high cholesterol levels
– Lowers risk of cancers and chronic diseases