Peeled Phulae Pineapple Pack
Ready-to-eat and comes in handy size, these pineapples boast to have the sweetest taste and flavor all compact within its petite size.
*Quantity may varies depending on sizes
Expiry Date: 20 April 2022
Country of Origin: Thailand
Nutrition facts: Great Source of A, B & C, Bromelain, Flavonoids, Calcium, Copper, Manganese, Magnesium, Potassium, Phosphorous, and Fiber.
Health Benefits:
– Rich in antioxidants
– High in fiber that prevents constipation and toxin accumulation
– Prevents macular (eye muscle) degeneration in aging
– Fights against arthritis, indigestion and worm infestation
– Prevents inflammation and clotting
– Lowers risk of cancers and chronic diseases
– Prevents asthma attacks
– Lowers high blood pressure that causes cardiovascular diseases