Yume Hyaku Syou Annou Satsumaiimo (Sweet Potato) Box 750g
Yume Hyaku Syou Annou Satsumaiimo (Sweet Potato)Yume Hyaku Syou Annou Satsumaiimo (Sweet Potato) 3Yume Hyaku Syou Annou Satsumaiimo (Sweet Potato) 2Yume Hyaku Syou Annou Satsumaiimo (Sweet Potato)Yume Hyaku Syou Annou Satsumaiimo (Sweet Potato) BoxYume Hyaku Syou Annou Satsumaiimo (Sweet Potato) brochureYume Hyaku Syou Annou Satsumaiimo (Sweet Potato) brochure

Japanese Yume Hyaku Syou Annou Satsumaimo Box (Sweet Potato, 750g)


<Season Exclusive – Limited>

Yume Hyaku Syou is a brand of Annou potato produced by the farmer group “Yume Hyaku Syou”.  Annou potatoes are registered varieties that are only allowed to be cultivated in Tanegashima.

The farmers stick to the original species and by using a laborious and time-consuming farming method; where selected potatoes harvested in the previous year are used as seed potatoes and planted in the following year, it maximizes the natural taste and sweetness that can only be experienced with the original species. Additionally, no pesticides are used. By aging after harvesting, the sugar content is further increased, creating a ” honey-like” potato. 

Despite its short petite appearance, it has excellent quality sweetness, mellow and moist smooth texture that no one could resist.

Country of Origin: Tanegashima Island, Japan

Nutrition facts: Great Source of Vitamin A, B & C, Manganese, Copper, Pantothenic acid and Dietary Fiber.

Health Benefits:
– Rich in antioxidant
– Anti-inflammatory
– Regulates blood glucose level & blood circulation
– Lowers risk of cardiovascular diseases
– Boosts immunity
– Boosts bone health

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