Japanese Smile Monkey Tochiaika Strawberry 320gx2
Japanese Smile Monkey Tochiaika Strawberry TraysJapanese Smile Monkey Tochiaika Strawberry TrayJapanese Smile Monkey Tochiaika Strawberry trays 1Japanese Smile Monkey Tochiaika Strawberry cross sectionTochiaika Strawberry sweetness

Japanese Tochiaika Ichigo (Strawberry, 320g pack)

$40.00$78.00 $28.00$54.00

A new strawberry, also known as “Tochiaika,” was born in Tochigi. It was also called the 10th original variety of Tochigi prefecture, also known as “Tochigi i37”. It is a completely new kind of strawberry that was first shipped from Tochigi in the fall of 2019.

It has a slightly crunchier texture compared to most strawberries but has a rich mellow & fragrant taste, and outstanding high sweetness.

Country of Origin: Tochigi prefecture, Japan

Nutrition facts: Great Source of Vitamin-A, Vitamin-C, Vitamin-E, Vitamin-K,Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc and Iron.

Health Benefits:
– Helps burn stored fat
– Boost short term memory
– Low i Calories, High in Fiber
– Ease inflammation
– Lower cardiovascular disease
– Promote bone health
– Prevent esophageal cancer
– Anti-aging properties
– Good for weight loss
– Promote eye health

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