Japanese Kanpei Orange Gift Box (3kg)
Japanese Kanpei Orange Gift Box (3kg) 1Japanese Kanpei OrangesJapanese Kanpei Orange cross sectionJapanese Kanpei Orange thin skinJapanese Kanpei OrangesKanpei Orange Diagram

Japanese Kanpei Mikan (Mandarin Orange)

Kanpei (甘平) is a new variety born from Ponkan (ポンカン), which has a unique sweetness, and Nishinoka (西の香), which has a rich juicy content. This is a limited variety that was just registered in 2007 and is only allowed to be cultivated in Ehime prefecture. It is difficult to grow because of its thin skin which will crack if there is little rain from summer to autumn. Hence, Kanpei is an expensive variety due to its limited production. 

The main characteristics of Kanpei are that it has a high sugar content of 13 degree and above, and a low citric acid content of about 1.1%, resulting in a strong sweetness and taste. Kanpei has almost no seeds and you may enjoy the texture of crispy grains due to its thin endothelium. It’s outer skin can be easily peeled off by hand like Satsuma mandarin due to its thinness. It is a masterpiece citrus that is comparable to Setoka. 

Country of Origin: Ehime Prefecture, Japan

Nutrition facts: Great Source of A & C, Flavonoids, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Calcium and Fiber.

Health Benefits:
– Rich in antioxidants
– High in fiber that prevents constipation and toxin accumulation
– Prevents macular (eye muscle) degeneration in aging
– Protects against osteoporosis
– Reduces high cholesterol levels
– Lowers risk of cancers and chronic diseases

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