Fresh Produce
Showing 13–19 of 19 results
Japanese Yuki Usagi Ichigo (Strawberry)
$45.00–$88.00Japanese Yuki Usagi Ichigo (Strawberry)
A rare full white strawberry variety that is not only attractive but also of excellent quality. It is bred in Saga prefecture, where they specialized in white strawberry varieties. It belongs to the top 5-10% of the harvest due to its low level of Anthocyanin (chemical which gives fruits their colors) due to sunlight restriction during maturing which prevents any red coloration development. It’s light yet smooth juicy texture gives an excellent balance with its strong fragrance and sweetness.
P.S. Doesn’t the red seeds on the skin reminds you of rabbit’s red eyes?
*Quantity may vary due to product size.
Country of Origin: Saga prefecture, Japan
Nutrition facts: Great Source of Vitamin-A, Vitamin-C, Vitamin-E, Vitamin-K,Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc and Iron.
Health Benefits:
– Burns stored fat
– Boost short term memory
– Low in Calories, High in Fiber
– Ease inflammation
– Lower cardiovascular disease
– Promote bone health
– Prevent esophageal cancer
– Anti-aging properties
– Good for weight loss
– Promote eye health -
Sunkist Mt Whitney Navel Orange (Large, 5pcs)
$12.00Sunkist Mt Whitney Navel Orange (Large, 5pcs)
$12.00Country of Origin: USA
Nutrition facts: Great Source of A & C, Flavonoids, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Calcium and Fiber.
Health Benefits:
– Rich in antioxidants
– High in fiber that prevents constipation and toxin accumulation
– Prevents macular (eye muscle) degeneration in aging
– Protects against osteoporosis
– Reduces high cholesterol levels
– Lowers risk of cancers and chronic diseases -
Fuji Muskmelon
$45.00Fuji Muskmelon
Fuji Melon, one of the top white flesh variety of melon from Japan, being bred locally in Vietnam without compromising its fine quality to bring down it’s luxurious pricing down for all to enjoy. It has a soft mellow texture, flowing out with sweet refreshing juice with each bite, just like the famously-known Shizuoka Crown Melon. Never miss it while it’s available!
Country of Origin: Vietnam
Nutrition facts: Great Source of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Calcium, and Iron.
Health Benefits:
– Soothes digestive system
– Relieves constipation
– Controls blood pressure
– Anti-oxidant
– Reduce risk of cancer -
Driscoll’s Blackberry Box (125g x 12 punnets)
$96.00$92.00Driscoll’s Blackberry Box (125g x 12 punnets)
Driscoll season’s finest blackberries are specially selected to exceed your unrivaled standards for flavor and appearance. And only Driscoll’s can offer these unique blackberry varieties. They are only available for a limited time every year but their size and flavor make them worth the wait.
Country of Origin: Yunnan, China
Nutrition facts: Great Source of Vitamin-A, B-complex, C, E & K, Flavonoids, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese and Copper.
Health Benefits:
– Rich in antioxidants
– Suitable for diabetic patients
– Increases immunity and harmful free radicals
– Promotes urinary tract health
– Prevents macular (eye muscle) degeneration in aging
– Helps in bone metabolism and blood cells production
– Regulates heart rate and blood pressure -
Driscoll’s Blackberry (125g punnet)
$8.50–$16.00Driscoll’s Blackberry (125g punnet)
Driscoll season’s finest blackberries are specially selected to exceed your unrivaled standards for flavor and appearance. And only Driscoll’s can offer these unique blackberry varieties. They are only available for a limited time every year but their size, sweet taste and flavor make them worth the wait.
Country of Origin: Yunnan, China
Nutrition facts: Great Source of Vitamin-A, B-complex, C, E & K, Flavonoids, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese and Copper.
Health Benefits:
– Rich in antioxidants
– Suitable for diabetic patients
– Increases immunity and harmful free radicals
– Promotes urinary tract health
– Prevents macular (eye muscle) degeneration in aging
– Helps in bone metabolism and blood cells production
– Regulates heart rate and blood pressure -
Teagan Blue Plum (900g-1kg approx, 6pcs)
$10.00Teagan Blue Plum (900g-1kg approx, 6pcs)
Tegan Blue Plums have a dark blue skin with a juicy, yellow flesh. With a very sweet taste and fragrance when fully ripe, these plums are perfect for lunchboxes, salads and in desserts. A source of Vitamin C.
Country of Origin: Australia
Nutrition facts: Great Source of Vitamin-A, Vitamin-C, Vitamin-E, Vitamin-K, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, Calcium and Copper.
Health Benefits:
– Lower cholesterol and prevents cardiovascular
– Prevent Cancer
– Lower GI (Glycemic Index)
– Protects against oxygen radical
– Protect against macular degeneration
– Improve digestive system
– Anti-oxidants
– Good for brain health and nourishment
– Eliminates stress and fatigue
– Boost bone health -
[Premium Selection] Japanese Orin Apple (Large, 3pcs)
$16.00[Premium Selection] Japanese Orin Apple (Large, 3pcs)
王林, which is pronounced as ‘oh-rin’, which means “king of apples”, is a hybridized variety that is extremely sweet with aromatic fragrance despite its greenish appearance. It’s the third most sought apple variety in Japan.
Country of Origin: Aomori Prefecture, Japan
Nutrition facts: Great Source of Vitamin-C, Vitamin A, Calcium and Iron.
Health Benefits:
– Improve neurological health
– Prevent dementia
– Reduce your risk of stroke
– Lower Levels of bad cholesterol
– Reduce the risk of diabetes
– Prevent breast cancer