Rule of 3: To Keep Fruits Fresh

Fruit can be eaten at any time and it can be eaten along with other foods. The body produces digestive enzymes for protein, fat, and carbohydrates which help it digest mixed meals. Besides, since the stomach has a high concentration of hydrochloric acid, bacteria is killed before it is able to reproduce so fermentation cannot take place in the stomach.

Be doubly sure to wash melons, especially cantaloupe and others with rough skins, before cutting into them, lest you transfer nasty organisms from the surface of the fruit to the flesh within. But experts do not recommend using soap or bleach on foods.

1. Never Store Fruits and Vegetables Together

Fruits that produce ethylene gas can result in prematurely ripen (green to yellow). Hence, reduces quality and shelf life of the vegetable place by its side. Also, never place raw meat, poultry or fish in the fridge where it can drip onto other foods, especially foods already cooked and fresh fruits and vegetables that may be consumed raw.

2. Counter-top Storage Tips

To keep those apple crisp and all countertop-stored fruit fresh, store them out of direct sunlight, either directly on the countertop, in an uncovered bowl, or inside a perforated plastic bag.

3. Refrigerator Storage Tips

Keep fruits in perforated plastic bags in the produce drawer of the refrigerator. This helps to maintain moisture yet provide air flow.perforated plastic bagsHere is a useful table for you to determine whether the fruits & vegetables are to be kept in refrigerator or counter top.graphic_fruitandveggiestorage


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