New Zealand Pacific Rose Apple
Apple tipSeeing the apples through the treesRich in important antioxidants, flavanoids and dietary fiber – snack on an apple to celebrate and reap the health benefits!Pick up a bunch of roses for your sweetie today.Apple picking at Jones Farms IncPacking Pacific Rose apple with careQuick FactsSalted honey apple and gouda toast

Pacific Rose Apple (Large, 4pcs)


Pacific Rose is without a doubt, the prettiest apple you will ever see. It is delicate, sweet and crisp with a rosy-blushed hue that makes a much needed color break against other red apples. This apple has various size and is highly sought after in Asia for its sweet taste and delicate beauty.

*Label may differ from image shown.

Country of Origin: New Zealand

Nutrition facts: Great Source of Vitamin-C, Vitamin A, Calcium and Iron.

Health Benefits:
– Improve neurological health
– Prevent dementia
– Reduce your risk of stroke
– Lower Levels of bad cholesterol
– Reduce the risk of diabetes
– Prevent breast cancer

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