Japanese Saga Karatsu Hosui Pear (X-Large)
豊水 (Hosui) was born from the crossing of the “Kosui” and “E-33” varieties. The size is slightly larger than “Kosui”, and with golden skin overall.
It has a strong sweetness and gentle acidity, and the flesh is fine-textured with plenty of juice. You can enjoy the crispy texture and sweetness peculiar to pears.
Country of Origin: Saga prefecture, Japan
Nutrition facts: Great Source of Vitamin-C, Vitamin K, Fiber, Copper and Potassium.
Health Benefits:
– Prevents blood pressure and stroke
– Rich in Anti-oxidant
– Lowers cholesterol levels
– Relieving fever
– Anti-inflammatory effect
– Builds Immune system
– Heals throat and cools down body heat