Japanese Misaka Kawanaka Jima White Peach (Daitouryou Grade, Large)
A late season-maturing variety that is usually harvested from late July, Kawanaka Jima marks its distinctive characteristics by its deep red skin and jumbo size, with higher sugar content due to its late harvesting period. Due to its more solid body, it has also better shelf life compared to its early-harvested counterpart.
大糖領 (Daitouryou) grade has a sweetness level of 13.5 degree and above, which is the representative of rich sugar content and excellent melting texture with over-flowing refreshing juice.
Country of Origin: Yamanashi prefecture, Japan
Nutrition facts: Great Source of Vitamin-C, Vitamin A, Calcium, Copper, Magnesium, Manganese, Iron and Phosphorus.
Health Benefits:
– Rich in antioxidants
– High in fiber that prevents constipation
– Prevents macular degeneration in ageing
– Prevents cancer
– Protects against anaemia
– Promotes healthy skin and body weight