Japanese Atago Nashi Pear Gift Box (2kg)
[Winter Special]
Atago Nashi (愛宕梨) is a natural jumbo-sized fruit resulted from a hybrid of two popular varieties, the Nijusseiki (“20th century”) and Imamura-aki. Its size can grow as large as 20cm in diameter.
It emits a sweet scent and crisp to the texture, not to miss out the juiciness within. As it is usually available year end (Oseibo – New Year), they are carefully wrapped individually and packed in gift box for an exquisite gift for your guest.
Country of Origin: Okayama Prefecture, Japan
Nutrition facts: Great Source of Vitamin-C, Vitamin K, Fiber, Copper and Potassium.
Health Benefits:
– Prevent blood pressure and stroke
– Anti-oxidant
– Lower cholesterol levels
– Relieving fever
– Anti-inflammatory effect
– Build the immune system
– Heal throat and vocal cord
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