Green Jade Water Rose Apple (Jambu) (1kg approx, 7-9pcs)
Green Jade Jambu has an unusual, bell-like shape with a small, curved neck that broadens into a bulbous base. The skin is smooth, glossy, thin, and pale to bright green. Underneath the surface, the flesh is white, crisp, semi-aqueous, and spongy with a soft, airy consistency.
They are said to be sweeter albeit a little less juicy than its red counterpart and vacuumed airtight to prolong freshness.
Country of Origin: Indonesia
Nutrition facts: Great Source of Vitamin-C, Vitamin A, Calcium and Potassium.
Health Benefits:
– Prevents cancers like prostate and breast cancers
– Suitable for diabetic patients (lessen glucose within urine)
– Reduce your risk of stroke
– Lower Levels of bad cholesterol