Be Prepared for Red Kiwi in Singapore
The new Red Kiwi was recently spotted in our store last week!
You did not see nor hear wrongly. Yes it is absolutely crimson Red Kiwifruit!
So if you are tired of the bright green or golden flesh with rows of tiny and black edible seeds, wrapped by its fuzzy and dull greenish-brown skin for the past few decades.
Try the new RED kiwi!
It has similar taste to a golden kiwi but much juicer and softer when it is ripe, except which it has a tardy white core.
It is considered a small fruit that is 7 to 8 cm long that is imported mainly from New Zealand.
The red kiwi was bred with natural semi-transparent colored crimson red flesh that contains 2 times the amount of vitamin C as a regular kiwi!
When can we eat it:
Kiwi season runs from October-May. May vary with the change of climate.
Why Eat it:
- Twice Vitamin C compared to oranges
- Contain dietary fibre for a healthy digestive system
- Low fat natural source of vitamin E; good for heart and antioxidant properties
- Contain potassium that is essential for every cell in our body
- Contain folate which a vital need for pregnant ladies to develop genetic material in a fetus.
- Low in calories; good for weight loss
- Low in Glycemic Index (GI); reduce risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease
How to Select it:
- Look for firm and unblemished shape.
- Size will not be an issue as it does not affect its flavor.
- Check for the color of the fruit. A ripe kiwi will be of a darker golden shade.
- Another marker to check for ripeness would be the softness. Press the exterior of the fruit with your thumb gently; if it is hard it’s not ripe yet.
How to Store it:
- Several days at room temperature (for riping; after that, store in fridge for a longer shelf life)
- Up to 4 weeks in your refrigerator
How to Enjoy it:
- Eat instantly by slicing into half and scoop up with a spoon
- Add into green salads
- Top or blend in with yogurt
- Serve as accompaniment to meal (i.e. Chicken or fish)
- Bake desserts like fruit tarts